When helping people with attention disorders, our method is very effective, like within 10 days effective.
The Berard Method of Auditory Integration Training (AIT) helps reorganize the brain to improve auditory and sensory processing capabilities. Participants use headphones to comfortably listen to AIT auditory stimulation. This reorganizes the dysfunctional sensory center so the brain no longer gets overloaded with disorganized information.
Language, learning and social abilities develop more typical and participants are better able to excel as a result.
AIT has been proven to be beneficial for individuals experiencing many of the following:
Poor attention
Slower thinking and processing
Difficulty listening, understanding, and remembering.
Incorrectly understanding and following directions.
Brain “traffic jams” when processing sensory information.
Hindered ability to put ideas in sequence.
Sound hyper (over-sensitive) and hypo-sensitivity (tuned out).
Low tolerance for distractions.
Efficient Auditory Training.
Participants often benefit from just ten days of AIT training, with two thirty minute sessions a day.
AIT is often used to help people with autism, dyslexia, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Initial anecdotal reports suggested that AIT, when used with individuals having diagnoses of autism, pervasive developmental disorders, learning difficulties, attention deficit disorder, and dyslexia, resulted in reduced hyperacusis, increased attention span, better eye contact, more social awareness, fewer tantrums, increased verbalizations, improved auditory comprehension, and improved articulation
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